Friday, August 26, 2011

Hair Loss

    One cause of hair loss can be an inherited trait seen in middle-aged men. A receding hairline is caused by an accumulation of male hormones, which alters the natural fats secreted in the scalp and stunts hair growth. The characteristic pattern is thinning and baldness beginning in the front and progressing backward over the head. Research has recently shown that men who begin this pattern in their 20s or early 30s instead of the mid-40s have a greater risk of developing heart disease early in life. Male pattern baldness or slow hair loss due to aging has no known proven treatment. It appears to be nature's conservative desire to reduce unneeded plumage as we get older. We do know that protein metabolism (hair is pure protein) slows down by about one-half after the sixth decade of life. We also know that maximizing our nutrition in youth helps avoid or postpone many genetic weaknesses called inborn errors of metabolism.

    In conditions other than male pattern baldness, we find quite an array of causes. Doctors have seen partial hair loss in children who were malnourished; patched hair loss due to heavy metal poisoning such as lead; thinning or splitting and lifeless hair due to harsh chemical hair care products; total body hair loss due to stress; and intermittent hair loss in people experiencing bowel parasitic infections. After giving birth, some women will lose up to one-third of their head hair but will quickly grow it back within a year if properly nourished. There have been a few cases of head lice and dog and cat fleabites that have produced immune reactions in the scalps of children, causing temporary hair loss. Dandruff sufferers, due to scratching, often have mild to heavy hair loss. your health care provider should evaluate complicated or unresponsive hair loss.
    After ruling out the pathological conditions causing hair loss, many people slow down or stop hair loss when simple steps are taken. A daily scalp massage with T36-C5 or Renew Intensive Skin Therapy is often helpful. Use Melaleuca Original Shampoo to maintain healthy hair and scalp. Above all else, get adequate nutrition including protein. ProFlex20 is an easy and delicious way to add protein to your diet. Take the Vitality Pack with Oligofructose Complex as directed. Adequate rest to prevent stress is essential. Include moderate exercise in your daily schedule to keep the pores of the skin clean and circulation optimal. It has even been suggested that you try rubbing your scalp with Nature's Cleanse. Drink Melaleuca Herbal Tea on a daily basis.
    After an extensive study of about one thousand plant extracts, researchers in Japan discovered that proanthocyanidins extracted from grape seeds "promote proliferation of hair follicle cells isolated from mice by about 230% relative to controls (100%)." And that proanthocyanidins "possess remarkable hair-cycle-converting activity." So consider taking ProVex, ProVex-Plus, or ProvexCV for possible hair growth benefits along with all the other health benefits of these supplements.

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