Friday, August 26, 2011

Hair Loss

    One cause of hair loss can be an inherited trait seen in middle-aged men. A receding hairline is caused by an accumulation of male hormones, which alters the natural fats secreted in the scalp and stunts hair growth. The characteristic pattern is thinning and baldness beginning in the front and progressing backward over the head. Research has recently shown that men who begin this pattern in their 20s or early 30s instead of the mid-40s have a greater risk of developing heart disease early in life. Male pattern baldness or slow hair loss due to aging has no known proven treatment. It appears to be nature's conservative desire to reduce unneeded plumage as we get older. We do know that protein metabolism (hair is pure protein) slows down by about one-half after the sixth decade of life. We also know that maximizing our nutrition in youth helps avoid or postpone many genetic weaknesses called inborn errors of metabolism.

How to Use your Shampoo and Conditioner Effectively?

The goal of using a shampoo is to remove the unwanted build-up in the hair like oil and dirt. Now-a-days, shampoos include a conditioning component. Conditioners will help ease combing and styling, making your hair smooth and tangle free. There are two things that should be taken care of during hair care. First thing that should be kept in mind is to choose a shampoo and conditioner that suits you the best. For this, you need to know your hair type. If your scalp is too dry or too oily, you should take special care in choosing the products. The second thing is to understand how to use them properly and effectively. Here are a few tips that you can follow to use your shampoo and conditioner effectively

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dry Hair

    Whether your hair is dry, greasy or you simply have an itchy scalp condition, Melaleuca oil, and the hair products that are made with Melaleuca oil, will make your hair healthier and more manageable. It is an excellent conditioning treatment for the hair due to its fresh scent, gentle action, and powerful antiseptic properties. It helps to regulate the activity of the sebaceous glans, cleanses the scalp of bacterial fungal infection, and help disperse dead skin cell.
    Shampoo your hair daily with Envia Nature's Salon shampoo. Work up a rich lather with a small amount


    This dry flaking of the scalp is one of the most common conditions affecting nearly one half of Americans. White, scaly skin sloughs off of the head in a "snow storm" fashion to disgrace the victim. At one time, it was believed that dandruff was caused by poor personal hygiene. Occasionally it is and indication of extremely dry skin. Home remedies usually consist of trying to increase the scalp's oil, which just create more dandruff.
    Many dermatologists believe that dandruff is another form (albeit a mild one) of seborrheic dermatitis,